Announcements - Live On-Line Course Information
Same Low Price!
Good news! Providing courses on-line means we've saved money on classroom rentals. No increases for us means no increases for you!
We've updated our registration system so you can now register multiple attendees for multiple classes at the same time. Select the courses you need, add attendee information, and checkout!
Change to Live On-Line Meetings
All BrownBagCPE Oregon Ethics CPA classes will be held on-line. The Oregon and Washington Boards of Accountancy approved our live on-line classes the same as live in-person classes.
All classes held this coming Fall 2023 through June 2024 will be held live on-line. Classes are discussion based with up-to-date cases and materials. Classes are not self-study and class size is limited.
The week before your class date, we will send you an email with instructions and the link for attending your live CPA ethics class and PDFs of the course materials.
A Certificate of Attendance will be emailed to you shortly after the end of the class.
Have a question about registration or classes?
Please contact Customer Service:
We check the phone and email frequently before an upcoming class.
Please send us an email from our Contact Us page
Or Phone: (503) 222-3200 Thank you!