In-House CPE Courses
Due to the coronavirus, the Oregon and Washington Boards of Accountancy approved a change in our class delivery format from live in-person classes to live on-line meetings. All BrownBagCPE Oregon and Washington Ethics CPA classes and our other CPA classes will now be held on-line as the only option.
We have adapted our courses for live, on-line instruction. This is not a self-study course. The meetings are conducted in small groups, discussion-based, and lively. The instructor uses case studies to present and discuss issues typically seen by practicing CPAs. Conversation between participants is highly encouraged which adds depth to discussions and opportunities for social interaction. This method provides a memorable experience for participants and gives the most benefit from continuing education.
Most of our courses may be scheduled as live, on line, in-house continuing education courses, including our state-approved CPA Ethics courses. Click here to see our current course offerings. Other topics may be available upon request.
For Oregon and Washington CPA Ethics courses, BrownBagCPE handles the course approval with the state board for the in-house course and provides registration, certificates, and record-keeping to satisfy Board of Accountancy state requirements.
In-House Advantages:
- Flexibilty - Schedule courses to fit your company's schedule.
- Health Benefits - On-line learning limits employee exposure to the Coronavirus.
- Convenience - Courses incorporate well into annual trainings and company retreats.
- Saves Resources - Save on staff travel time and fuel.
- Current Information - Courses constantly revised to include up-to-the-minute local and national information.
- Economical - Group rates available.
Rates: We offer tiered group rates for small (10 people and under) to large groups and a discount for firms that self-copy materials.
To learn more about our in-house cpe program, please contact customer service by using our Contact Us form on our contact page.
Or Phone: (503) 222-3200
Please allow 48 hours for a response. Thank you.